Thursday 18 March 2004

Globalization: A Very Short Introduction

book coverI thought this was a great little book.  In 135 clearly written pages it effectively gives you a good framework for thinking about globalization in all it's many facets. It puts it into a historical context before moving on to four major dimensions of analysis: economic, political, cultural and ideological. It ends with chapers on the challenges of globalism and the future of globalization.

The writing is somewhat academic in nature. Manfred Steger is a Professor at Illinois State University. But it's clear and concise and doesn't ramble. It's a very complex topic and he keeps the narrative succinct. I found his views balanced but his bias seems to be skeptical towards neoliberalism.

I would highly recommend you give it a read. I was inspired enough to post my first review on I consider Globalism to be the most important idealogical debate of our time and this is a gentle way to understand it.

This series of books by Oxford University Press has many excellent topics and I've bought a few others. I find they're perfect for keeping in a jacket pocket and diving into when you're stuck waiting somewhere.

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