Monday 5 April 2004

Canada Clubbing Baby Seals Again

It's enough to make you feel sick. Canada has ramped up the quota for the seal hunt to 350,000. The highest in half a century. The article doesn't make clear where the demand is coming from.


  1. Similiar article on the BBC website here:

  2. another article:,11917,1191056,00.html

  3. I just read the article in the paper.It made my stomach turn..Not only is all this killing bad enough but the article also states that 40 percent of the seals are still alive when they are skinned.This is discusting.i think we should skin one of those people alive & see if they like how it feels.

    What a cruel world this is!!!!

  4. If I could, I would start beating those Canadian seal killers with same clubs until they're dead. But I would start from their legs, not heads, so they would really feel the pain!

    Clubbing baby seals is the most horrible and cruel practice!

    I urge every person to take action to prevent this kind of hunt from happening ever again!

    Let's not buy any Canadian products(including medicine) until their officials stop baby seal killing.

  5. Don't knock it till you've tried it. You people dont know what you're talking about. Greenpeace doesn't even care about this issue. that evelina lady must be a typical American bonehead. Go eat you freedome fires. Maybe you Americans should stop killing people and maybe we'll stop kill seals.

  6. wow i never knew how stupid people r the people who kill other people are just as stupid as the ones who kill seals. I may be young but i know what im talking about if you really had any feeling you wouldnt kill its like you dont have a heart. just like the grinch what would make a person kill something sooo cute. i agree that we should skin someone alive that has skind a seal alive. or take an ice pick to there head. if we americans r soo boneheaded then how. did we make such a great union where we DONT KILL CUTE THINGS. if you really think its ok to skin alive aniamals then is it ok if i skin you alive. or would that hurt too much. but im sure youve never thought of how badly you hurt those poor little seals that did nothing to you in the first place.

  7. It doesn't matter whether an animal is cute or not. It's a horrible human bias that we only get emotional when cute things are killed. Ugly animals deserve the same level of attention.

    My foremost objection is to the killing of wild animals for unnecessary luxury items. Eels, alligators, seals, whatever. It's a market that should not be encouraged. Canada should not supply it.

    The Greenpeace argument is irrelevant. They have limited resource and are focused on other issues that are even more important. Global warming will devastate the seals more than clubbing.

  8. Ever since I saw some footage of grown men clubbing seals to death, I’ve been completely disgusted. I would have no problem walking up to one of those guys and clubbing him to death with his own hammer. Men who club seals obviously don’t have a heart, and are a detriment to our society. If what I just said comes as an offense to you, know that I mean it with all of my heart and wouldn’t think twice of clubbing any man who clubs innocent animals to death.

  9. For those that feel like protecting the seals, here's a little game i found in which you can shoot the seal hunters! :D

  10. hmmm clubbing is wrong, yet decapitating a live animal and watching it run around in it's last moments of life is just bright and sunny day

    who's up for some chicken

    or howabout hypocrisy?

    Animal deaths are cruel.

    Get over it.

    In the wild, more than half of animals meet their end it a awful way. Usually to slow to keep up, or after getting ill, they will get eaten alive by a passing predator. Somehow we think life in nature is all flowers and sunshine, but it's a live or die world out there, and few die peacefully.

  11. I see three issues entangled in this arguement:

    1) The killing of animals

    2) The method of killing animals

    3) The profitable business from killing animals

    I agree with Curious that animal deaths are essentially cruel however "humane" it tries to get painted. Certainly, we can try to make the deaths as quick and painless as possible.

    Everyone upset by clubbing of seals should see the inside of an abattoir and the truth behind industrial meat production.

    But killing every seal nice and politely shouldn't be the issue.

    The main issue should be #3 - why are they killing the seals? Killing a wild animal just for its fur or skin to supply the fashion industry is disgusting. It's almost as bad as killing animals for "sport".

  12. huuummmm,

    I am a reformed seal clubber. I recognized the errors of my ways and I hope that others will learn to appreciate these aquatic mammals for what they offer the eco system. I have realized that the true villians of the nature world to be hummingbirds. I have planted Columbine flowers all around my yard as these hidious beasts are attracted to the nectar (blood) of the flowers. I sit motionless in my camo and swat at them with tennis rackets. I used my old tool of the the club but soon realized that the tennis racket would give me more "killin' surface" with less drag from the air. An added feature to the racket is that the strings not only shatter their little bones but also create a spring effect and send those humming devils into the next world at nearly the speed of sound.

    Final note: LEAVE SEALS ALONE...kill the demon spawn hummingbirds!

    Best regards,

    Kent Hale

  13. Why club? Why the cruel death? Im not totally against the killing of baby seals but by the way it is executed. It is simply a cruel procedure to actually kill something? This hunters clubs and skin this animal alive, i've always been wondering why? Why such a cruel death?

  14. Marissa Stockham9 November 2004 at 17:17

    I support the killing of baby seals because i'd rather worry about humans. if we have to save someone, let's save the whales, the SKUAS, then humans, then tigers, THEN seals. Not until all these previous ailments of the world can be solved should we try to resolve you peeps attitudes with killing those day-um baby seals. My arch nemesis, Marie, seems to diasgree with me and finds the method of their death to be cruel and unusual; i do not see this. club the suckers! we need our chinese aphrodisiacs! Marie has this 'thing' about saving the seals, because she is also small, furry, and white. she's fears that she will one day become the next victim of those "cruel and heartless bastard mother****tart clubbers".

  15. Personally, I'd rather save the animals than the humans.

  16. i really really think that they bastards for killing creatures thst got had made!!! :( i wish they would die!!! and i wish i would there to see it if you can please answer me cause im gonna come here to this site again for sure and the one that did that is 100% right!!! i'm not talking about seals only there are a lot of ather animals that die every year such as bears and staff... i just hate those kind of people they are monsters!!! i would never ever ever ever ever ever wear something that is made out of fur!!! bye bye Valery :)

  17. Emotion aside... I think we should look at this from all angles:

    As for why they started hunting again... I believe it's because the seal population in recent years has grown so large (due to the ban on seal products in the late 70's - 80's) that the fish population has declined. The whole system is now unbalanced... if left unchecked, the fish will eventually be depleted and the seals will starve to death.

    Keep in mind that Canada is NOT authorizing unlimited wholesale slaughter... they are only culling (reducing) an excessively large population of animals.

    As to the mode of killing: I think they're clubbing them because gunshot wounds in the pelts reduce the fur's market value... As you may now, furs have once again become fashionable in Europe.

    - Incidently, that is the reason why you hear stories about seals being skinned alive (shooting a seal more than once reduces the fur's value.)

  18. the entire world....needs to stop KILLING period. Humans, cows, dogs, cats, seals, etc. This world will never be peaceful until all killing stops. I am so sick of human beings thinking that the easy solution is to kill, kill, kill. Enough already. We are not God. We do not get to decide what life has value and what life does not. All living creatures have the right to live and nobody, anywhere has the right to terminate their existence except for God. However, if you don't believe in God, get over still do not have the right to take a life!!!!!!!!

  19. The percentage of unemployment in Nova Scotia (where 90% of the hunters are from) is about 14%. The reason why this seal hunt is so big is because it creats jobs brings in money (16.5 million). All this allows the people of Nova Scotia to provide for their families and feed their children by killing the seals they are saving their children. Instead of saying it's so cruel to kill seals, first find some information about the subject before you have such a stong opinion about the suject. Also it has been proven that the seals eat up alot of the fish in the atlantic which hurts the fishing industry.

  20. I'm aware of the unemployment problem of the East Coast. I'm also aware that seals eat fish. So?

    The fishing industry is hurting because the fish stocks have been depleted through over fishing. That doesn't justify killing seals because you want more of what's left. Are you going to kill seagulls too?

    I don't consider unemployment a justification to continue a barbaric slaughter of animals for their fur either. I would object less if you ate the seals. It's the same arguement a poor farmer makes for growing opium. For only $16.5 million, the Canadian government should assist with another form of income.

  21. i also would rather kill the humans they make very nice lampshades and book covers, it is disgusting the way canada can slaughter animals in a barbaric fashion, boycott canada it has to stop, they could use injections but it isnt as much fun and too expensive.

  22. canadian citizen16 April 2006 at 17:08

    do some research that isn't set out by organizations such as greenpeace who state false information to make money. Serveys have been done that state that when a seal is clubbed, 99% are killed instantly. The canadian gouvernement has made laws that a sealer must club each seal 3 times to make sure it is dead. Greenpeace tells people that seals are skinned alive and then show footage of the seals moving appearing to be alive when truely it is only the convulsive mouvements of the nerves. Compare it to that of a chicken when it's head is chopped off. Do you honestly think the chicken is still alive when it runs around? The harp seal population in the North West Atlantic has nearly trippled since the 1970's where it was 1.5 million. Now it is estimated that the population is over 6.5 million.

    Before you come on sites like these and start making rediculous statements, do some unbiased research on the subject.

  23. Please stop cruel baby seals and mothers too. leave them alone.Beauitful seals
    All my friends children are very upset and crying when they saw the newspaper. I hope the world banned YOU. I feel sick with Candian people can do it. If I were and I clubbing to Candian human not seals how they are feeling. I wont buy any Candian products and all thingsand ever hoildays!!and I love all the animals than human. PLEASE BANNED CLUBBING AND ALL CANDIAN ARE BASTARD AND MURDER.

  24. patricia brown, do you speak english? Go back to pre-school
    Come up and see how canadians live and then try to make that statement again.

  25. My view on this is that seal clubbing is disgraceful, people for seal clubbing are saying that the seal population hasr isen greatly over the years! So what? Nature is nature, nature will look after itself, it will only have been put off balance BECAUSE seal clubbing is in effect. So this means seals will have needed men to beatdown there population since seal have been on this planet? Exactly, no. Fish that prey on seal already do that job, leave it the way it is. So if seals have suddenely rose in population now, that does mean there will be less fish in the sea, but bigger fish will eat seals, so therefore keeping them alive. My advice, leave things how they are meant to be and dont use seal clubbing as a way of feeding your families, there is a shortage of doctors all over the world, do something useful with your life. Think about it!

  26. Seal Clubbers International28 April 2006 at 01:03

    What's wrong with seal clubbing? I'm a seal, and I really enjoy it. Why shouldn't I go out clubbing at the weekend? I'm not hurting anyone, I just like the music and the company, so what if I do an e every now and then, it's my life. Everyone should get off us poor seals' backs and let us get on with what we have the right to do. Keep on clubbing!

  27. Statistics state that a seal is clubbed in Canada every three seconds. I bet the seal is getting really pissed off about that.

  28. 47.8 percent of statistics are made up on the spot.

  29. Ohh...
    But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy.. crazy..
    No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little... crazy..
    But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy.. crazy..
    No we're never gonna to survive unless, we are a little.. crazy..
    No no, never survive unless, we get a little bit...

  30. Bob the Bar Steward28 April 2006 at 02:21

    Is that not how they get that drink, Canadian Club?

  31. Seals clubbing? Don't make me laugh! I am a bouncer at a West End club and last week three baby seals tried to get in, but they were not on the guest list - so what do you think I did? Well I didn't let them in of course! I said, "Leave it aaaht you slags!"

  32. Ian, yes they do eat the seals, actually. Perhaps if you had done some reseach, as opposed to just making irrational judgements, you would have known that already.

  33. MC. Irrational? No, I believe I have offered sound reasons. I object to the killing of wild animals for their fur, feathers or skin on moral grounds.

    I have tried to find out more about the market for seal meat but haven't found many references. I would be delighted if you can provide an analysis of how many of the 325,000 seals are used for meat. I have read it's "very low" and the meat is largely considered inedible.

    A 1996 government analysis shows that the pelt is the primary value of the kill.

    So even if some meat is utilised (and exported to Taiwan and South Korea), it is not the economic motivation for the killing. The motivation is to provide fur coats to Norway, Germany, Greenland and China.

  34. Seal Protector8 May 2006 at 17:13

    If the seals die within "only 3 strikes" to the forehead, then why have I seen countless videos of a seal writhing in pain and being struck WAY MORE THAN 3 TIMES!? Don't even try to tell me that these are fake videos! This whole world is about $, and people don't care how they get it. Killing baby seals and hooking them when they're alive is not humane!Oh and shooting a seal would be an instant death so don't say you could "miss" when you walk right up to those harp seal pups and club them! I am completely against these killings and disagree with even shooting them, but it is the VERY LEAST hunters could do!

  35. man what the fuck is wrong with the people doing this dam you really have no dam life because your killing animals that didnt do shit to you so just leave them alone how would you fell if someone came up and hit you on the head then skinned you and left you there when you alive what the FUCK are you retarted or are you just a dumass. this shit should be agenst the law but yet you people call doing this shit a sport


  37. I love to club seal when they bleed they dies and I skin them afterward and with their dead corpse I t hrow it at the other seals and kill them as well :D I LOVE THIS!!!


  39. you b******s, how can you live with yourself after clubbing baby seals. I hate you all!!!!!!

  40. What an outrage!!!! I can't believe we call ourselves civilized. How can we do such a horrific act. Please stop this violence. Let's start teaching compassion and respect to our future generations.Leave animals alone!!!!! They don't deserve this!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!

  41. I am disgusted about the cruelty to animals. For those that think that there is nothing wrong then I can only say that I hope you all rot in hell where you will b e in eternal damnation. We need to teach respect and compassion and not hatred and violence. How dare anyone think that killing is acceptable as long as it is for profit and if it involves animals. We should protect our environment and our future by leading them through example.

  42. I think that killing poor helpless baby seals is inhumane because they didn't do anything to you.... so what if they are getting over populated... we are so over populated that not everyone in the world has food, and clean water... and you still don't see people hitting us over the head to kill us and skin us for the money and for fashion... i know that some people say its a "fun sport" but would you like it if i hit you over the head then skinned you???

  43. i think that u canadians r so cruel. i have seen the pictures of canadians killing harp seals. i also saw that one of the canadians were killing 3 at a time and their blood was coming out very very very very fast.u seal clubber i am an typical american but i care for all animals i dont care if there cute and i dont care if there dangerous or ugly animals i care for all animals. so u seal clubber get a life u need 1 4 killing such harmful animals did they do any thing to u i think not but do wat ever u want but when u die and go down with devil then you'll know that u made horrible mistake. u seal clubbers dont diside when is the day 4 seals death only GOD DOES!!!!!!!!!! i dont eat anything that is made out of animals. i am a junior high school girl that does not know a lot about any kind of animal but i do know a little about harp seals and i know that their death is cruel and they cant do anything about it. if i were the president of any state or contry that kills animals i would but them in jail 4 doing such cruel things to animals that cant defend themselves.

  44. i think u canadian clubbers are so harsh. suck yourselves when you cant handle seeing a seal and you triindg to kill it there will be no more harp seal left if you kill everyone of them and dont say you dont kill them all because it says that your goal is to kill 350,000 harp seals, and i'v seen the picture you canadian clubbers suck yucky make me so sick.

  45. i think that is so cruel and so not fair for the poor animals u canadians suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i wish i could kill 350,000 canadian clubbers so u can see how much it hurts the poor denseless harpseals.what if the defenseless seal was u then how would you feel.

  46. For one, not all Canadians support the seal hunt.
    I for one am against it and know plenty of others who are. Don't blame our country for what a select few do. I agree that our government should not have legalized it, even if their population has grown. Let Europe worry about getting their fur, don't supply them with it. I've noticed though, that a lot of people jump in when it's something cute and fuzzy being killed, but don't even blink twice when they hear about a human being killed, even if it's a child. That happens quite a lot more often in this world.

  47. >.< nobody should b clubbing seals...expecially baby seals. Just thinking about that makes me sick. Killing seals should b against the law!! its just like animal abuse!
    any one who kills seals of any type should b locked in jail for the rest of there lives!!!!

  48. whats wrong with people these days.killing animals for money?do people even get what there doing wrong?the human race is turning into monsters
    doesnt anybody care about the earth anymore.or the things living on it killing anything is wrong
    but baby seals i think people need to start paying attention to the harm there doing to this plannet.
    newsflash its not only effecting the people that are doing this it effects everyone.yes fur may be warm and soft and pretty but does that give us the right to go out and kill other creatures? im pretty sure it doesn't.humans arent the only things on the earth,maybe people should start thinking about that.

  49. whats wrong with people these days.killing animals for money?do people even get what there doing wrong?the human race is turning into monsters
    doesnt anybody care about the earth anymore,or the things living on it killing anything is wrong
    but baby seals i think people need to start paying attention to the harm there doing to this plannet.
    newsflash its not only effecting the people that are doing this it effects everyone.yes fur may be warm and soft and pretty but does that give us the right to go out and kill other creatures? im pretty sure it doesn't.humans arent the only things on the earth,maybe people should start thinking about that.

  50. i cant believe u ppl r trying to kill those pore defensless seals they never di nothing to u so wat the fuck do u want to kill thoses defencesless seals i should be able to club u it would be fun right thought so u stupid killing clubbers

  51. i cant believe u call it a sport its unbelieveable what ppl will do for $$. by killing these inocent animals your being more selfish then anyone could possibly be. why not getting $money by doing something to help the environment instead of ruining it for the kids and people to come . its not fair,those seals and not only seald but animals are defenseless.they're dying off because of people who don't have hearts ,and are to stupid to use their brains.!!!!!!

  52. these animals are defenseless they cant help but to sit there in pain as u slaughter them and laugh

  53. for A 12 year old turnign 13 i care about these things but this has gone to far!
    one day someone is going to kill the last female seal and there will not be any seals
    on earth and its not fair to the seals bc most of them wants to live... its not about them its about us our problems and i think that its bad that the goverment is allowing 1350,000 seals being killed. its so Sad >_< for me looking at it its like killing my family or something....

  54. Seal clubbing is sick. an unnecessary, unfair thing. To all you seal clubbers, imagine if someone came and clubbed the heads of all your loved ones. Its just as unfair to animals.
    think about it noobs.


  56. killing seals mainly for fur is absolutely retarted.... clubbing them, skinning them alive, and beating them is unacceptable. Seriously, I should start a fuckin CKCGFT clan... canadian killers can go fuck themselves.... stated plenty of times- WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TORTURE AN ANIMAL JUST FOR ITS FUR!!!!! THE MOST RATIONAL THING WOULD BE TO EUTHENIZE THEM INSTEAD! even tho im very strongly against this whole bullshit.....and people jus stop tryin to act tough online... that means u A....fuckin pathetic....

  57. The government claims that the seal population is over powering the North Atlantic. Okay, fine. The government claims that the baby seals are the cause for the fish stock vanishing. Okay, If you wanna look at it that way.....
    How many recources have HUMANS taken advantage of, and are STILL making them vanish? Poeple are trying to justify killing animals for eating fish, and for an "over population" of seals. Big Whoop. There are millions of people on this earth and plenty of resources being dwindled by them. But does that give you the right to kill them? Of course not.
    As for the way these animals are being slaughtered....
    There is NO EXCUSE.
    Being dragged along the ground by a hook under their skin, being skinned ALIVE, and then finally being clubbed. What the hell is wrong wiht people these days? That is inhumane.
    If you wanna try to justify why you are murdering these precious animals, go ahead.
    But What the hell do you have to say about the manner you are carring out their deaths?
    Whats your excuse?

  58. Seal clubbing, when properly administered, is not more cruel than slaughterhouses. Sure, torture is wrong, but killing them for commercial benefits is just part of nature.

    When seals die a cause unrelated to humans, the energy used to rearrange its molecules are lost forever to entropy. In the end, why waste this energy when the seal's fur can increase happiness in some humans? After all, we're just looking for happiness in our own species.

    If you think that animals have souls, then there's no argument, and we can just agree to disagree. But in the end, only the human species is important to humans. And if you're going to assign some "moral value" to seals, why not snakes, rats, toads, spiders, or termites? They are animals too. Why does termite deserve the cruel suffocation and wholesale execution?

    Then what about corn? Research have shown that when stress is applied to plants, there are internal proteins produced that show a reaction to said stress in an effort to alert the rest of the plant about the dangers, and you might as well call that an emotional response, since all animals do when stressed, is also produce some proteins, which we translate to "pain" so that the animal can prepare for the danger.

    If life is precious, and you have to grade them by worth, where do you stop? I say we stop at the human level.

    Of course, we need to address long-term effects on the ecosystem since we want humans to live as long as possible, and perpetuate our genes as far into the future as we can. So that should be the only concern when we weigh the consumption of natural resources against the gratification of the present.

  59. this is imhuman! do people go around hitting horses, dogs, or bears? if this animal was as ugly as hell i wouldn't think differently. this is digusting, terrible! and it's a sport, if it were for meat, food, yes. but sport no!!!!! i think i'll start a sport where people go around and bash the creators of this sport over the head and let them bleed to death in the snow. if you think my sport sounds horrible, well so is seal clubbing!!!

  60. i think that seals are not deserved to be treated like this. Oay this is only my opinion, but they r so epless creatures i magine if you wre a seal would you wanted to be kill and this goes to all of the animals come on they are living thing s

  61. oh dear.
    i personally think that seal clubbing is terrible. but i agree with some people that if the seals were uglier, it would probably change some peoples' views about this. and shooting the seal DOES make its fur value less. it is terrible that Canada allows seal clubbing, and i am a Canadian. no, we should NOT all club Canadians on the head and skin them alive or stop buying products from them. but i think that there should be more laws against seal clubbing. if we totally ban seal clubbing, the seal population might grow too large and the fish population would be greatly decreased. the seals would eat the fish and there would be nothing to slow the population of seals from eating all the fish. Seal clubbing is sick and inhumane, and don't think that all Canadians are oblivious to that fact.

  62. Ok, this just makes my stomach turn, the thought of killing an innocent animal that can't defend itself...for what..?...Money? Are you freakin serious? That just makes my blood boil. Maybe we should just skin those Canadian clubbers and their families while they're still alive, and then wear their skin, and maybe we'll set a new fashion trend! ha. Pssh...this makes me sick. What has the human race come to? There seems to be a lot of people supporting the idea of saving the seals, so Canada, what are you waiting for? I will never wear fur, and I will not be ordering car parts that are exported from Canada for that matter. I hope I made myself clear. If you oppose to anything I just said here, well save your energy and don't bother responding, because well...quite frankly I don't give a fu(k

  63. Always love how ignorant some Green Peace lovers can be :) Paul McCartney was by far the best one yet. CNN with Larry King---nuff said. Get educated before you guys b*t*h, PLEASE

  64. This is such a sadistic thing to do. This proves that Canadians are ill-educated people. (just kidding) but whoever does that as a SPORT, apparently, you have nothing to do but to kill animals for your sadistic being. get a job, a girlfriend, and stop being such pathetic beings to the world. I'd say, go kill yourself, you don't even deserve to live.
